After spending half a million for renovations” – Lady weeps as landlord gives her one-month quit notice

After spending half a million for renovations” – Lady weeps as landlord gives her one-month quit notice
After spending half a million naira renovation her store to increase its visibility, the lady screams out when her landlord gives her a one-month notice to vacate. The anonymous woman lamented the injustices her landlord was inflicting on her on social media.
The troubled woman claimed that in order to improve contact, she had to spend half a million naira renovating and updating the store to contemporary standards. But for whatever reason, her landlord had given her a quit notice, requiring her to leave the store within a month. She posted a video of herself crying while explaining her situation in the caption. "Your landlord has granted you a month to vacate your store after you spent over half a million dollars renovating it and enhancing its visibility," the caption read.

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More reasons to constantly get into recorded signed agreements for everything you do that could have a significant impact on you, according to fariiidah.h "I've been there and I understand the feeling," said jummy_montana. You presumably sign a formal contract with him promising that he won't ask you to vacate or raise the rent until after five years. Those landlords lack compassion and are avaricious. Sha, be careful to destroy and take out anything you did there. "You come here de cry for the gramme," said dart_partt. A person who helps you find a lawyer serves court documents. Some of you are merely humorous. "I think people should start doing businesses in their homes," king_mosa_ said in a comment.Consider renting a two-bedroom flat, using one of the rooms for your company and posting pictures online.that one million would have been sufficient to furnish your home comfortably.only a viewpoint Watch video below …
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