The funeral banner for late iconic actor John Ikechukwu Okafor, better known as Mr Ibu, has leaked online. Gistlover reported that the late actor died on March 2, 2024, after a long illness and limb amputation. He was 63 years old. According to a statement issued by Mr. Ibu's family on April 13, his remains will be interred at his birthplace of Amuri, Enugu State's Nkanu West Local Government Area. On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Nollywood and Rangers International will co-host a one-of-a-kind march. The following day, Mr. Ibu's Candlelight Procession will take place.
On June 27, there will be a Christian wake service in Eziokwe Amuri, Enugu State. The next day, his body would be transported from the Eastern Nigerian Medical Centre to his birthplace for burial.