Moment Davido shares his father's desire for him

Moment Davido shares his father's desire for him

Davido Adeleke, a popular Afrobeats musician, recently revealed a vision his

 father, Deji Adeleke, had for him at his wedding. According to Davido, his father

 told him that he had a vision of him becoming a gospel singer and finishing his music career in that genre.
During his wedding to Chioma, Davido shared this story with their guests in a funny way, giving a lighthearted tone to the

 occasion. Davido expressed confidence and hope that his father's thought will finally

 come true, which added to the excitement surrounding their wedding ceremony. "In the morning, Daddy would say, 'Davido, I

 had a vision about you.'" I asked, 'What vision?' He said, "I had a vision that you

 would end your music career as a gospel singer."
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